Monday, January 23, 2023, marks the start of the 2023 tax season and the date the IRS begins accepting and processing 2022 tax year returns. More than 168 million individual tax returns are expected to be filed, with the vast majority coming before the April 18 tax deadline. Of note, this year is that there are three extra days to file this year due to the calendar.

While filing your 2022 tax return promises to be just as complicated as always, there are steps that taxpayers can take right now to ensure their tax filing experience goes smoothly. Let’s look at what’s new for 2022 and some key items taxpayers should consider before filing.

What’s New

No above-the-line charitable deductions. During COVID, taxpayers could take up to a $600 charitable donation tax deduction on their tax returns. However, in 2022, those who take a standard deduction may not take an above-the-line deduction for charitable donations.

More people may be eligible for the Premium Tax Credit. For the tax year 2022, taxpayers may still qualify for temporarily expanded eligibility for the premium tax credit. Please call if you want more information about this topic.

Some tax credits return to 2019 levels. This means that affected taxpayers will likely receive a significantly smaller refund compared with the previous tax year. Changes include amounts for the Child Tax Credit (CTC), Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and Child and Dependent Care Credit.

  • Those who received $3,600 per dependent in 2021 for the CTC will, if eligible, get $2,000 for the 2022 tax year.
  • For the EITC, eligible taxpayers with no children who received roughly $1,500 in 2021 will now get $500 in 2022.
  • The Child and Dependent Care Credit return to a maximum of $2,100 in 2022 instead of $8,000 in 2021.

Refunds may be smaller in 2023. Taxpayers will not receive an additional stimulus payment with a 2023 tax refund because there were no Economic Impact Payments for 2022. In addition, taxpayers who do not itemize and take the standard deduction won’t be able to deduct their charitable contributions.

Eligibility rules changed to claim a tax credit for clean vehicles. There are several changes taxpayers should be aware of, such as the tax credit is generally available only for qualifying electric vehicles for which final assembly occurred in North America (final assembly requirement) and a transition rule for vehicles purchased before August 16, 2022. Taxpayers who want to take advantage of this tax credit should call the office for assistance in determining eligibility.

Gather 2022 Tax Documents

The best way to prepare for tax filing is to gather important tax documents – either electronic or paper – and keep them in one place. These documents include but are not limited to: Forms W-2 from employers, Forms 1099 from banks or other payers, Form 1099-K from third-party payment networks, Form 1099-NEC for nonemployee compensation, Form 1099-MISC for miscellaneous income, or Form 1099-INT if you were paid interest, as well as records documenting all digital asset transactions.

Typically, year-end forms arrive by mail or are available online mid-to-late January. Taxpayers should carefully review each income statement for accuracy and contact the issuer to correct information that needs to be updated.

Ensuring their tax records are complete before filing helps taxpayers avoid errors that lead to processing delays. When they have all their documentation, taxpayers can file an accurate return and avoid processing or refund delays or IRS letters.

Sign Up for or Into an Online Account

An IRS Online Account lets taxpayers securely access their personal tax information, including tax return transcripts, payment history, certain notices, prior year adjusted gross income, and power of attorney information. Filers can log in to verify if their name and address are correct. They should notify the IRS if their address has changed. They must notify the Social Security Administration of a legal name change to avoid a delay in processing their tax return.

Renew Expiring Tax ID Numbers

Taxpayers should ensure their Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) has not expired before filing a 2022 tax return. Those who need to file a tax return should now submit a Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number to renew their ITIN. Taxpayers who fail to renew an ITIN before filing a tax return next year could face a delayed refund and may be ineligible for certain tax credits. Applying now will help avoid the rush and refund and processing delays in 2023.

Avoid Refund Delays and Understand Refund Timing

Many different factors can affect the timing of a refund after the IRS receives a return. Although the IRS generally issues most refunds in less than 21 days, taxpayers should not rely on receiving a 2022 federal tax refund by a certain date. As such, making major purchases or paying bills is not wise until the refund is received. Some returns may require additional review and may take longer to process if IRS systems detect a possible error, the return is missing information, or there is suspected identity theft or fraud.

Also, taxpayers should be aware that the IRS cannot issue refunds for people claiming the EITC or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) before mid-February. The law requires the IRS to hold the entire refund – not just the portion associated with EITC or ACTC.

Use Direct Deposit for Faster Refunds

The fastest way to get a tax refund is by filing electronically and choosing direct deposit. Direct deposit is quicker than waiting for a paper check in the mail. It also avoids the possibility that a refund check could be lost, stolen, or returned to the IRS as undeliverable.

Prepaid debit cards or mobile apps may allow direct deposit of tax refunds. They must have routing and account numbers that can be entered on a tax return. Taxpayers can check with the mobile app provider or financial institution to confirm which numbers to use.

Last Quarterly Payment for 2022 Due January 17, 2023

Taxpayers may need to consider estimated or additional tax payments due to non-wage income from unemployment, self-employment, annuity income, or even digital assets. The Tax Withholding Estimator on can help wage earners determine if they need to consider an additional tax payment to avoid an unexpected tax bill when they file.

Get Help From a Tax Professional

Filing taxes is inevitable for most people, and with tax law becoming more complex with every passing year, there is no better time to get ready than right now. Call today and find out how a professional tax preparer can help.

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Contabilidad para empresas en crecimiento
Como propietario de una empresa en crecimiento, tiene cosas más importantes que hacer que llevar su propia contabilidad. Nosotros nos ocupamos de sus libros por usted, para que pueda volver al trabajo de dirigir su negocio y generar beneficios.
Servicios de contabilidad
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Gestión de tesorería
Una crisis de tesorería puede ser emocionalmente devastadora. Incluso puede acabar con su negocio. El punto de partida para evitar una crisis de tesorería es permitirnos desarrollar una proyección de tesorería para usted.
Servicios de asesoramiento empresarial
Si todavía tiene todos sus planes e ideas en la cabeza, la elaboración de un plan estratégico puede ayudarle a clarificar la dirección de su empresa.
Planificación financiera para empresas
Si dirige una empresa de éxito, ya comprende lo importante que es trabajar con una empresa de contabilidad que entienda el funcionamiento de su empresa. Lo que quizá no sepa es que cuando añade al equipo un contable con experiencia en planificación y análisis financiero, le permite llevar su negocio a otro nivel.
Creación de una nueva empresa
Abrir su propio negocio es emocionante y excitante. Es todo lo que viene después de que la emoción y el entusiasmo se hayan desvanecido lo que dicta si una pequeña empresa saldrá adelante o no.


Experimentados, asequibles y fiables, prestamos servicio a una gran variedad de sectores y clientes, desde autónomos que trabajan desde casa hasta pequeñas y medianas empresas con empleados.

Cuando externaliza sus servicios de contabilidad con nosotros, obtiene un servicio personalizado y un software de nóminas y tecnología de última generación. Pero lo más importante, usted tendrá más tiempo para centrarse en el funcionamiento de su negocio y generar más beneficios.
Nuestros servicios de nóminas y contabilidad incluyen:

No hay mejor momento que ahora para aprovechar nuestra experiencia en contabilidad. Llámenos hoy para saber más (800) 921-4561 o
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La legislación fiscal es compleja. Por eso merece la pena tener a su lado una empresa de contabilidad en la que pueda confiar. Desde la generación de estados de flujo de caja hasta la gestión de nóminas y la preparación de sus declaraciones de impuestos, estamos aquí para ayudar a que su negocio tenga éxito.

Eche un vistazo a nuestros servicios a continuación o póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo para averiguar cómo nuestros servicios integrales de contabilidad e impuestos pueden beneficiar a su cuenta de resultados.
Contabilidad para empresas en crecimiento
Como propietario de un negocio en crecimiento, usted tiene cosas más importantes que hacer que llevar su propia contabilidad. Nosotros nos encargamos de ello por usted, para que pueda volver al trabajo de dirigir su negocio y generar beneficios.
Servicios de contabilidad
Una contabilidad precisa es esencial para la viabilidad a largo plazo de su empresa. Con experiencia, asequibles y fiables, servimos a una gran variedad de industrias y clientes.
Gestión de tesorería
Una crisis de liquidez puede ser emocionalmente devastadora. Incluso puede acabar con su negocio. El punto de partida para evitar una crisis de tesorería es permitirnos desarrollar una proyección del flujo de caja para usted.

Servicios de Impuestos para Empresas e Individuos

En VMG Tax and Accounting Services, LLC, nuestro éxito se basa en su éxito. Eche un vistazo a los enlaces a nuestros servicios a continuación o póngase en contacto con nosotros para saber cómo podemos ahorrarle tiempo y dinero con nuestros servicios fiscales integrales.
Preparación de impuestos para empresas
Es importante desarrollar una relación con una empresa de preparación de impuestos que entienda cómo funciona su negocio. Como su asesor de confianza, nos aseguramos de que esté al corriente de sus obligaciones fiscales y evite sanciones y tasas que reduzcan su rentabilidad.
Planificación fiscal
La planificación es la clave para reducir con éxito y legalmente sus obligaciones fiscales. Vamos más allá del cumplimiento de las obligaciones fiscales y recomendamos de forma proactiva estrategias de ahorro fiscal para maximizar sus ingresos después de impuestos.
Alivio fiscal
Estamos aquí para ayudarle a resolver sus problemas fiscales y poner fin a la miseria que el IRS puede hacerle pasar. Nos enorgullecemos de ser muy eficientes, asequibles y, por supuesto, extremadamente discretos.
Preparación de impuestos individuales
Según un estudio publicado por la Oficina General de Contabilidad del Gobierno de EE.UU. el año pasado, la mayoría de los contribuyentes (77% de 71 millones de contribuyentes) creen que se beneficiaron de la utilización de un preparador de impuestos profesional.


Experienced, affordable, and reliable, we serve a variety of industries and clients from self-employed home-based business owners to small and medium-sized businesses with employees.

When you outsource your bookkeeping services to us you get one on one personalized service and state of the art technology and payroll software. But most importantly, you’ll have more time to focus on running your business and generating more profits.

Our Payroll and Bookkeeping Services Include:

There's No Better Time Than Now to Take Advantage of Our Bookkeeping Expertise. Call us today to learn more (800) 921-4561 or Schedule a FREE consultation!


Tax law is complex. That is why it pays to have an accounting firm you can trust on your side. From generating cash flow statements to handling payroll and preparing your tax returns, we are here to help your business succeed.  

Check out our services below or contact us today to find out how our comprehensive accounting & tax services may benefit your bottom line. 

Growing Business Accounting

As a growing business owner, you have more important things to do than keeping your own books. We take care of that for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits. 

Bookkeeping Services

Accurate bookkeeping is essential to your company’s long-term viability. Experienced, affordable, and reliable, we serve a variety of industries and clients.

Cash Flow Management

A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating. It can even kill your business. The starting point for avoiding a cash crisis is allowing us to develop a cash flow projection for you.

Business Services

We’re committed to your success. Take a look at our services below or contact us today and find out how our comprehensive accounting & tax services benefit your bottom line. 

Growing Business Accounting 

As a growing business owner, you have more important things to do than to keep your own books. We take care of your books for you, so you can get back to the job of running your business and generating profits.

Bookkeeping Services

Accurate bookkeeping is essential to your company’s long-term viability. Experienced, affordable, and reliable, we serve a variety of industries and clients.

Part-Time Controller Services 

Our Part-Time Controller Service gives you a professional financial manager who works with you to help guide your business to success.

Cash Flow Management

A cash crisis can be emotionally devastating. It can even kill your business. The starting point for avoiding a cash crisis is allowing us to develop a cash flow projection for you.

Business Advisory Services 

If you still have all your plans and ideas locked up inside your head, preparing a strategic plan can help you clarify your company’s direction.

Financial Planning for Businesses

If you run a successful business, you already understand how important it is to work with an accounting firm that understands how your company operates. What you might not realize is that when you add an accountant with expertise in financial planning and analysis to the team it allows you to take your business to another level.

New Business Formation

Opening your own business is exciting and thrilling. It’s everything that comes after the excitement and thrill have worn off that dictates whether a small business will make it or not.

Tax Services for Businesses and Individuals

At VMG Tax and Accounting Services, LLC, our success is based on your success. Take a look at the links to our services below or contact us to learn how we can save you time and money with our comprehensive tax services.

Tax Preparation for Businesses

It is important to develop a relationship with a tax preparation firm that understands how your business works. As your trusted advisor, we make sure you stay on top of your tax obligations and avoid penalties and fees that reduce your profitability.

Tax Planning

Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. We go beyond tax compliance and proactively recommend tax saving strategies to maximize your after-tax income.

Tax Relief

We’re here to help you resolve your tax problems and put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through. We pride ourselves on being very efficient, affordable, and of course, extremely discreet.

Individual Tax Preparation 

According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.